The Head lights are euro non adaptive HID headlights, simple plug and play install. I got the headlights along with the newer kufatec harnesses from performance cafe. i followed this DIY. you'll notice that the head lights have amber corners, this is correct, only till the later models did the euro headlights come cleared. also those are adaptive i believe and require more component install. i actually like the amber corner contrary to most peoples taste. These will compliment the euro tails i have on the way from, which have amber turn signals.

and for those that are going from halogen to HID. The vag com setting i used was 00031. this gets rid of the constant on of the turn signals, and shuts off the DRL's. and the high beams will function properly. my halogen settings i had previously had was 00001, which still allows you to use the headlights, but the bi-xenon motors don't work and the DRL's end up your "high beams". search the 20 dollar ebay vag com thread for more info. or if you have an actually ross-tech vagcom like i do, then the optional code list pops up.
The mk2 tts-line steering wheel, i picked up from dobos here on audizine. in order for this to work 100%, you need to swap the harnesses and re wire a little bit, i will draw up a hand sketch and take a picture, and post up later. drawing in paint is a pain. and to get the paddles to work, all you need to do i change the vag settings.
also note, the main yellow harness wont fit from the mk2 tt into the steering columns harness, the a4 and tt harnesses may look the same but you'll noticed they are keyed differently. if you try to shave the tt plug to get it to fit. (like the first time i tried to install this), the horn will NOT work nor will the lights on the steering wheel.
go to the steering wheel module, and go to recode, on the high head ross-tech cable with the new software, it will pop up a coding menu on the side so whatever the code that in your car at the moment, just +1 to the third # from the left. my original code was 02021, the new code 02121. you can do this with the old ross tech software and the ebay cable.

hope this helps anyone else that attemps the steering wheel install