I'm trying to put a winter tire/wheel package together for my 04 A4 quattro, and I think I have landed on the Blizzak WS-60 in 205/60 R16 on some basic steel wheels.
My primary concern is ultimate performance in heavy snow and ice, and I'm not necessarily concerned at all about dry performance. If they look funny being so skinny, I don't really care; I have to drive for work sometimes and I want to get there and my car is going to be filthy anyway. And if I'm buying a tire specifically for winter, I want them to primarily be a beast (which is why I'm not going with the LM-25).
Tire Rack only shows 245 for 17", and I don't want such wide tires. And again, since I don't really care how it looks, I don't feel the need for such low profile.
As an alternative, the Pirelli Winter Carving in my chosen size are on closeout, but are studdable, and preferring not to stud my tires, I wonder how they would perform without studs.
So if anyone has any feedback about the Blizzak WS-60 in 205/60 R16 for our fine cars, that would be great!