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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings
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    carputer/ car pc anyone have one or know exactly how to make one

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    does anyone have one in there b6 s4 ??? also anyone know how to make one ??? as well as wire everything up so that sounds can be played through the speakers already in the car, has anyone been able to just run the gps to the shark fin antenna that is on our roofs like we can do with the rns-e ??? please anyone with info either post it up or email me at [email protected] i am really interested in making one or buying one but woud like alot more info before i jump into a purchase about how to install or even a place to get the install done. what software people used and any other plugins that would be helpful to have.



  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings 40valve's Avatar
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    Re: carputer/ car pc anyone have one or know exactly how to make one

    I have not done it in the current car but I've had the install before in my old GTI. I made a post recently here asking whether anyone else is into this stuff but nobody chimed in. Also, I was unable to find anyone on too.

    Before you begin the project you have to think this thing through and spend a lot of time reading up on things. There is few area that you should be familiar with, like automotive audio, power, stronger than general PC hardware/software/wiring/peripherals knowledge. For the most part everything will be custom made to fit your needs and your setup so a lot of the stuff you will have to figure out on your own. For an example, do you want the PC to turn on with the ignition or do you want to control it manually. Same goes for shutdown.

    This is absolutely not a weekend project of things you can just pick up and install when you have some free time. Pre-planning is 50% of the project and will play a big role in how it turns out.

    I'm not familiar with S4 stereo and antenna yet to be able say whether those would work. Sound system is probably OK but antenna is probably not and you have to get another one. Could be wrong though.

  3. #3
    Active Member Four Rings A4ringedONE8T's Avatar
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    Re: carputer/ car pc anyone have one or know exactly how to make one

    I built one for my A4 last year, had it in the car for a month, ripped it out and threw it in the closest and there it still sits. Shit was a complete pain in the ass, waste of $1,800 bucks and a TON of my time

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings 40valve's Avatar
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    Re: carputer/ car pc anyone have one or know exactly how to make one

    Quote Originally Posted by A4ringedONE8T View Post
    dude what the hell did you build?
    I built my entire system with new amp and speakers for less than a grand.
    If you are going to spend that much money you might as well get one of the pre-built kits.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Two Rings Splinter's Avatar
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    Re: carputer/ car pc anyone have one or know exactly how to make one

    yeah just read through and absorb everything you can, its the best online resource for carputers. I'm in the process of sourcing my parts and planning my carputer... good luck!
    2001 S4 6spd black on black- GIAC, Borla, BBS CH, CarPC, rattle can white trim, 034 snub w/ cage, ebay silicone hoses, AWE DTS, obligatory RS4 grill... dreams of Stage 3...
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