so I have been having problems with my clutch dragging.. car wont go (or is giving me trouble going) into gear... i thought it was air in the slave cylinder, so i bled the slave cylinder... i kept thinking i wasn't bleeding it properly because the problem was still there...
i took it to the shop.. they bled the slave and problem is still there... at this point the guy at the shop is suspicious of the clutch kit - in particular the pressure plate.
i called up southbend (I run a southbend OFE SS) and they said it sounds like something may have went bad with the clutch and they suggested i pull the trans
i'm not really feeling that right now... i did the clutch the first time, and im just being lazy... however I don't want to spend 500+ on getting the trans pulled
before i start doing this... does anyone else have any idea of what may be going on?
should I just swap the trans while i have it off? im wondering if i should rebuild it, or swap it, or just re-install it