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  1. #1
    Active Member One Ring
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    Powersteering fluid

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    A little history: I just bought this 1998 A4 2.8 Q TIP recently and after getting a comprehensive alignment done at the local Audi dealer Ive been told the steering rack is an aftermarket unit.

    So, today while I was inspecting fluid levels in the car I noticed that the powersteering was a little low. Now, I know Audi requires a different powersteering fluid for their vehicles which is I guess green in color and so the stuff in there now appears to be tan like regular powersteering fluid.

    Im wondering If should I just stick with whats in there now or should I flush and replace it with Audi spec fluid? I dont have any abnormal leaks or noises. (well besides the valve cover gaskets)

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings Calabria's Avatar
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    Re: Powersteering fluid

    OEM Audi PS fluid is what you should use, its tan in color most likley because its old/used/dirty.
    You can always flush it out and get new fluids in, it will help a little in the steering feel/movement, and if theres any PS noises - most likley get rid of that.

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings chris164935's Avatar
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    Re: Powersteering fluid

    If the system isn't making any whining noises, I would just leave it alone... How long have you been driving the car before you found out the steering rack was an "aftermarket unit"? What did the dealership suggest when they told you you had an "aftermarket unit"?
    "You know you have a bad idea when Ford guys are making fun of you."

  4. #4
    Active Member One Ring
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    Re: Powersteering fluid

    Quote Originally Posted by chris164935 View Post
    If the system isn't making any whining noises, I would just leave it alone... How long have you been driving the car before you found out the steering rack was an "aftermarket unit"? What did the dealership suggest when they told you you had an "aftermarket unit"?
    I drove it about a week or two before I had it aligned. The only thing they told me is that its an aftermarket rack and because of this its not going to have "Audi like" steering. In other words it'll be somewhat loose feeling compared to OEM.


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