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well that makes me feel alittle better that I'm not the only one.
How long have you had yours acting like that?
Hopefully someone will have a good answer. I've already replaced brakes and such a while back so i know thats not the casue.
forever, it feels like the rear axle is loose kinda, but i guess it is just the shift of direction.
And Kurt sorry to break the news to u, but i'm running 18s as well, i have 245/40 ZR18's so ya it occurs with all tires i guess.
And i have gotten a 4 wheel alignment maybe 3 months ago after installing my suspension, and i went back the day after and had them redo it to perfection, and still does it, all my wheels are balances to 0.0 i made sure of that, because i watch when someone is working on my car, and i'm running -2.5 degrees of camber in the rear.