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the OP wanted to keep his antenna hidden, I'm assuming so the cops wouldn't hassle him, tell the cops whatever you want but I hope i don't see him posting another thread a few months from now about how supercop pulls him over and writes him a ticket for something stupid because he found out hes got a CB radio to ask truckers where the police are hiding.
That's not the only reason for a CB:
Emergency contact with police/fire on Channel 9
Listen for traffic
Weather radio (if your's has NOAA channels avail)
Communicate with more than one friend at a time
As for it being hidden. I'd suppose he wanted it hidden for that, but a better reason is because they A: look dumb on most cars B: can scratch paint C: Can limit your speed because if magnetic mounted and magnet isn't strong enough it will flop off at speed
I've driven all over hell with my CB on my carS (my dub, my Audi, and my Jeep) and NEVER been pulled over/harassed for the CB, but think what you want. And as for the radiation... That's just dumb. Like MYD said, just about everything puts off radiation. What makes the antenna different?