No way is it the mounts. I too am having this problem. I've had my NGK R spark plugs on my 30V for about 10K miles which seems too short of a time for them to die out.
Let me just add - On Trotter's car, the spark plugs are something along the lines of Autolite (cheap autozone spark plugs) but he has only had them for like 300 miles.
Also, on my car, this happened after I seafoamed and after I put regular gas in my car. That said, I noticed my vacuum lines were really shitty and cracked and what not. And I cleaned my MAF a while ago but not long enough where its dirty-ness is enough to affect the engine since the car went 120xxx miles with it never being cleaned.
I also had this problem last year so I got the spark plugs and it went away til now. So I'm thinking that it's the spark plugs again or spark plug wires.
(suppp JJ!)