I'll try and keep this short and to the point. One of my turbos blew on my Allroad 2.7T. This is my daily driver, so I of course had to get it repaired asap. Luckily, I already had a pair of KO4s (part of the deal when I bought the car). I gave them to my mechanic to install and I now have the car back, but....
Ahhh...can you see where this is going???
Yep, a stock 2.7T with a pair of KO4s. It gets me to work, but it really doesn't work.
So here is my question...what else am I going to need to complete this upgrade? I need a parts list and opinions on the different companies I can buy the parts from (pro and cons).
Normally, I love reading the forums, to learn and educate myself, but I just don't have time right now to sift through the hundreds of posts on this subject. Normally, I would, but I feel a little pressed for time as the car just doesn't drive right now.
Again, I am looking for a list of parts that I am going to need and opinions on the different parts suppliers I could purchase the parts from (AWE, Autospeed, ECS, Etc.)