Its so much more simple to put the gpsantenna behind the speedo instead of pulling two doorsil, backseat, c-pillar and to find the connecting fakra cable. it takes like 30 sec to mount the antenna. Ive done it my self. I hade a Concert II+ (thats the same unit as he has but his have a CD changer built in.
The DVD slot works for CD but you cant get the mapscreen or navigate with the DVD out. The SD-cards have some limit in folders and in songs. The color DIS works flawlessly with the RNS-e. But if you have the red one youll need to turn off the RNS-e and back on again to see the instructions. I made the swap myself and everything you can have to the regular radio, such as: BT, Ipod, sirius. will still work and will plug right in the back of the headunit.
I Bought a DVD-player and mounted it in the top of the glovbox and i bought a media-controle-interface so i can control the DVD-player with the butons of the steeringwheel and on the HU. Everything that worked before the swap will work afterwords. Its just plug n' play.
But... (theres always a but...)
Youll need to connect a VAG-Com cable and recode the DIS so it knows that you have a nav now. And you will have to get the RNS-e coded so it knows what options you have on the car, suchas BT-kit, Ipod, sirius, dvd exc...
The radio reception will not be as good after the retrofit due to an missing antenna. But you can solve this with a VW golf divercity antenna module.
I made the swap and i will do it tomorrow again if i get a new car.
And oh! Bose or no-bose makes no diffrance!
if you want more info visit
Cheers and good luck!