I noticed small puddles would form underneath the car so today after I drove the car, I pulled the belly pan and saw some orange crust on 1 of the oil pan bolts on the passenger side but I didn't see any wet coolant. I let the car sit and after about a half hour I still didn't see any coolant. I came back 2 hours later and then saw a coolant drop sitting on the center oil pan bolt that you see in the pictures. I see that there is a little trail coming down the side of the engine block (the flashlight in the picture is pointing at it) but I see no wet coolant anywhere else. I see there is orange crust under the auxilary water pump but I expected that since I see wet coolant down below on the oil pump bolt I would also see some wet coolant under the aux pump.
Obviously, since there is orange crust under the aux pump, it has been leaking, But could the coolant I see down below be coming from somewhere else?
It just baffles me that I see the wet coolant trail on the oil pan bolt but I don't see any wet coolant under the aux pump.
Front to rear photo
Passenger side looking to driver side
Flashlight pointing at the block where I see a trail of fluid