Originally Posted by
You make me sick. Screw you both.
Like we talked about just have all your paychecks directly deposited into my bank account and I will take really good care of you.
Originally Posted by
Thats why Jason wants my car out of there soon
DING DING DING. And I got another car being dropped off on Wednesday that needs a trans rebuild as well.
Originally Posted by
that's my old baby..ran 11.5 with that
It was in darn good shape too. Didn't show signs of much grinding or missed shifts.
Originally Posted by
You guys have an overdrive 5th gear for us 5spd trans? I should email you for a rebuild quote (syncros and gaskets) w/ an overdrive 5th gear (euro TDI?).
EDIT: nevermind. Just saw the rebuild kit on your site. I'll have to email you on the taller gear.
I know there is something. Email me and I will look into it.
Originally Posted by
i know the answer to this. do i get a prize or do i blurt it out and spoil it? lol j/k
p.s. - i was thinking about this for a little bit too, looking at the gearing ratio of other o1e trannys offered .
There are a couple that are good to try. We went with the .56 since I felt the .60 wouldn't make enough of a gas mileage difference. Stock is .68 in an S4 and A6 and it is .73 in an Allroad.
Info on the ratios and tooth counts.
STOCK S4 and A6
.68 26/38
.60 24/40
.56 23/41
Here is some info from a chart that I have in my store. From this page -->
JHM Higher 6th gear kit.
Once we confirm how well this works we may put together a group buy since we have to get these straight from germany. That would allow us to give everyone a better price.
MPH at that given RPM in 6th gear, based on stock tire size and 4.11 final drive ratio.
RPM .68 (stock) .60(JHM) .56(JHM)
1000 27 30 32
1100 29 33 36
1200 32 36 39
1300 35 39 42
1400 37 42 45
1500 40 45 48
1600 43 48 52
1700 45 51 55
1800 48 54 58
1900 51 57 61
2000 53 60 65
2100 56 63 68
2200 58 66 71
2300 61 69 74
2400 64 72 77
2500 66 75 81
2600 69 78 84
2700 72 81 87
2800 74 84 90
2900 77 87 94
3000 80 90 97
3100 82 93 100
3200 85 96 103
3300 88 99 107
3400 90 102 110
3500 93 105 113
3600 96 108 116
3700 98 111 119
3800 101 114 123
3900 104 117 126
4000 106 121 129
4100 109 124 132
4200 112 127 136
4300 114 130 139
4400 117 133 142
4500 120 136 145
4600 122 139 148
4700 125 142 152
4800 128 145 155
4900 130 148 158
5000 133 151 161
5100 136 154 165
5200 138 157 168
5300 141 160 171
5400 144 163 174
5500 146 166 178
5600 149 169 181
5700 152 172 184
5800 154 175 187
5900 157 178 190
6000 159 181 194
6100 162 184 197
6200 165 187 200
6300 167 190 203
6400 170 193 207
6500 173 196 210
6600 175 199 213
6700 178 202 216
6800 181 205 219
6900 183 208 223
7000 186 211 226
7100 189 214 229