I took my car into an indi shop for what turned out to be a faulty fuel pump. It took them about 3 work days to figure out that’s what it was (after replacing the MAF and trying to convince me it was the brake booster). After that was fixed I drove the car and heard a high pitched swirl coming from the turbo area. Well, after an hour or so of that the car totally lost boost. I took it back in, they spent another day and a half looking at it, and now I apparently have a destroyed turbo.
They “said” that the little screw that is front of the impeller, right in the inlet of the turbo, somehow came off and somehow stripped the turbo impeller to shit making me lose all concentrated air flow. Now I am having to pay them to either rebuild it or buy a new one and pay for all that labor.
Does that sound like it could have logically happened or does it sound shady to you? I am having a hard time with thinking it was just a coincidence. The car does have 98K on it, but I drive about 100 miles a day and it has been driving perfect up until the fuel pump stopped giving me gas.
Am I getting bent over?