What Eurocar magazines do you read in States or in Europe.
I´m looking for web addresses to different car mags that publish stories of Audi´s etc..
If somebody happen to know people who works for some car mags, could you post web addresses or e-mails here. I would pursuate. At least post the names of mags that you read.
I shoot photos for Finnish car magazines, and some of those cars would be dope enough to rewiev in European or American magazines as well.
In every other Finnish mag there´s a rewiev of American Eurocar, so i wonder why not Finnish car in American or European mag?
Here´s a few samples of some finnish rewievs:
Sorry, it´s still all in finnish =(
Audi RS2
Audi S4 widebody Okkim+
Audi RS4 B5
Audi A6 2,7 bit