1pm Macy's parking garage. *clarification its the one by the mall sorry for the confusion but i went today and got it all straightened out* there are ~55 spots so i'll think we'll be okay BUT>>> (number 1 on map) AS A BACKUP WE'LL USE OTHER PARKING LOT (number 3 on map) check link for map^^^
With this many people showing up we WILL NOT TOLERATE stupid driving. This is a CRUISE not a RACE!!....Plus you really don't want to ruin your paint job do you?
As of now, we will be driving in two lines due to the HUGE amount of cars signed up. Of course it all depends on how many do actually turn out, but with this many down we have to spread out.
There are some guys meeting at Oakton Parking LOT if you're down in the neighborhood.... between 11:50-12:10. At 12:15 they're gone so get there!!! <<<<<<<<<<<< TIME CHANGE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
If anyone comes from the Downers Grove area going to be a couple guys and girl at:
Liquor Stop 560 Odgen Ave Lisle
@11:30, and we leave promptly at 11:45!!!
Here's my number in case anyone needs more help:
let me know if you not on here:
1. lawnferie
2. aaaaaaaaaaudiprotein
3. phrost
4. trexturk
5. A4_ever
6. sdoherty_tjm
7. Koselowiec
8. jursch2211
9. dj spiel
10. lox1985 MAYBE
11. A13ART
12. IzzyS4 meeting us in Chitown
13. Naudilos
14. PMR2.7T
15. Marshall (black tt guy)
16. audi_til_i_die
17. spiel's friend
18. projectdarka4 BIRTHDAY BOY
19. John Kuang being forced
20. B6JoeA4
21. cjperformance
22. JDM EJ1 95
23. badboi24u
24. sudeep r
25. Demi (BMW)
26. audi1899 (Jose)
27. reepherone
28. cjperformance MAYBE (work dependent)
29. BEESIX *if he gets day off*
30. tackeegti
31. kwik shift
32. Tony T *tranny probs MAYBE*
33. joe dub
34. sloS4kid
35. B5in
36. T3hD0gg
37. xAUDIx
38. koselowiec's friend B5s4
39. koselowiec's friend in his old car *75%*
40. GeeJayzS4tyme
41. robsilvr85
42. tatarin
43. joeS407
44. tifun's B5 friend
45. Yevmeister
46. BEESIX's neighbor
47. lawnferie's friend MAYBE
48. RocC4S *rs4 MAYBE*
49. ChicagoB5 work dependent
50. TH85
51. 1Naudia4
52. A4_ever's mom
53. GTRS A4
54. sebo a4
55. sebo's friend Mike *silver a6*
56. sebo's friend with s6 MAYBE
57. mcflys4 MAYBE
58. mycfly's friend in an 08 A8 MAYBE
59. jursch's friend MAYBE
60. jays01s4 MAYBE
61. LSixer
62. dj spiel's friend
007. Videlov