I have developed a small application that will allow users to upload VAG log files (.csv) directly and have the log converted to an image, and then also host that image.
This will allow us to post VAG logs in forum posts in a much easier manner.
I whipped the current version together in a couple hours and it only has basic functionality. I need your help testing it.
I plan on developing the system into a robust tool for the VW/Audi community.
VAG Tuner future release agenda:
WOT auto detect
The application will automatically detect the area in the log where you are at Wide Open Throttle and extract that region for conversion.
BT / BAT CAPS calulator
Coupled with automatic detection of WOT this will allow users to upload the VAG log for automatic calculation and entry into a CAPS like database.
Automatic ECU type detection
(Dynamics block labeling based on ECU type)
Conversion Calculators:
IDC - Injector Duty Cycle
mbar to PSI (Boost)
Try to graph knock voltage to try and identify knock?
Graph values in log
End goal:
A data repository for VAG cars with various modifications. The application will store logs associated with the cars specified hardware.
The application will serve as a diagnostic tool for users to compare their cars against similarly configured cars.
For example:
I want to see what timing looks like for all AEB cars, with a 630cc Tapp tune running a gt3076r @ 23 psi. -- The system would then look for a submitted log that matches that criteria and then display it.
Please test the application by uploading your vag log at the following address:
Then - Copy and paste the URL the application produces into a forum post.
Thanks for you help.