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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Three Rings fikes's Avatar
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    Hard shift into 2nd.

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    I took a look around the search and gathered up a few things but I think my problem relates more to the sifter. Seems that when I shift from first UP into second and NOT down into second its really rough. It is worse on a cold start and gets better as the car is driving. Could it be the syncros or something else. I was going to change the fluid and get the jhm shifter to see if that helps because maby im overthrowing the stick because its not aligned correctly. Idk what to do all I do know is that when I took off the shifter plate there was a divit in the the plastic going into second so maby that could be the cause. any help. thanks.
    1997 Audi A4 Sedan 1.8t- Sold
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  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings prey's Avatar
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    Re: Hard shift into 2nd.

    Just live with it, We all have the same problems in the cold. This question has popped up more than 3 times this week, since it started getting really cold now.
    Just don't rev it past 2kpm in first and shift, will help a little bit.

    2003 Audi a4 1.8TQMS Unitronic Stage 1+

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings JumboBlack1.8's Avatar
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    Re: Hard shift into 2nd.

    ^^^Yup.....just stiffen up the drivetrain a bit, and the problem won't be as severe
    2000 Audi B5 S6 ** 4.2L 40v S6 6spd -

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings Seerlah's Avatar
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    Re: Hard shift into 2nd.

    Yeah man, it happens in the cold season. When I first got my car, I thought it was a gearing issue and was going to replace my tranny fluid with GM synchromesh (there is a special type that can be used in our Audis, just can not recall the type). It is just the cold weather has bearings on our gears, and it goes away when the car warms up. To avoid the grinding of the gears (yes, it is only from 1st to 2nd upshift), you can either let the car idle for a bit before driving off (which I do). Or drive really really slow till the car warms up. As posted above, below 2000rpm.
    I hate it when my car acts like a little bitch, treating me like a bitch

  5. #5
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Re: Hard shift into 2nd.

    I changed the gear oil with redline and that helped a LITTLE bit. Very little. I have heard that new motor mounts and a snub mount can help with this problem. Anyone know if this is true? I would spend $100+ on mounts to have a smooth shift to 2nd even in the cold!


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