After my last visit to Eurowise I feel as though I need to let everyone know how the service was. This was my second time going there and my fourth time seeing Mike for some mechanical help. Again I was thoroughly impressed with the customer service, as soon as I walked into the office one of the guys from the shop was up at the front desk greeted me and asked me what he could help me with (I don’t know about you all but if I walk into a business and everyone keeps avoiding me that throws up one hell of a red flag). I gave him a quick rundown and he took my name off to Mike, and before I could even get into one of the articles in the Euro Car magazines in the front office Mike poked his head in and said lets check it out. So we walk out to my car and I explain to him what was wrong with my car. In less than 5 min. my car is in the shop and getting worked on. The best part about this is that he allowed me to go back there and let me see how he was fixing my problem so if I ever was in an emergency situation I would be able to handle it myself. Wow, let me tell you cool it is to have someone not just take the keys from you and do the work, but if they offer to show you what needs to be done to correct it. In less than 20 minutes I was in and out, and of course another main concern many people, including myself, have is the cost. Mike is very fare priced and I think his Eurowise flyer had this slogan written out on there, "Dealership service at a fraction of the cost", it couldn't be further from the truth because I've never been to a dealership that really takes as much concern for your automobile and has such great turn around times let alone at the price he does this for. So my personal recommendation to anyone with a Euro car in the Charlotte area is to take your car into Eurowise if you need work done or suspect something might be wrong, no matter how big or small.