Recently, I have become paranoid about the oil temperature - it's in the middle of the gauge, 225-250F, but this seems rather hot, even for a turbo car. I did a search, and some people say the temp rarely hits 225F, so today, having to go to work, I did so practically staring at my oil temp gauge.
I went out of my way to keep the car out of boost for the entire drive, for the first 6-7 minutes, the oil temp gauge stayed at 150F, the car temp gauge warmed up, and went to the middle. After about 7 minutes, the oil temp gauge started to go up steadily. It went to approx 200F without issue, then took a while (about 15 minutes) to get to where it stayed, 225F. This is with 0 boost, driving along with 70-75mph traffic.
On the way home, I let it warm up again to 225F, but this time I drove the car using some boost, I wasn't doing high speed pulls, I wasn't even driving in a spirited fashion, just passing some cars, and using more throttle than before. In this situation, the oil temp gauge went up to 250F, and took a while (15 minutes) to drop back down to 225F.
Some people have said their car never hits 250F, others say its normal - I cannot determine what the owner's manual says, because I am still waiting on it

If my oil temperature is high (it seems to be), where do I go from here? The fans all seem to be coming on, the car is stock, no mods, and passed a purchase inspection. The oil level is fine, it was changed two weeks ago, along with the filter, by the audi dealer prior to my purchase. The oil was changed in Colorado, should I change it again here? Even so, I doubt the weight would cause a significant rise in temps. The gauge moves steadily, so I don't think its a defective sensor. If, after my 27 mile drive, I have to wait for a parking space, I see visible heat rising from the passenger side of the engine bay; the bay itself is also rather hot, so I believe this is 'real heat', as opposed to a sensor.