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Long story short, i just got my k04's in running a stage II GIAC X-XR program. Fixed all the boost leaks and my boost is all over the place. climbs to 20- drops to 13 then climbs to 18ish and shoots back down to 13ish. I am getting Random misfire codes as well as misfire on 1 and 3. which would explain the loss in power. But what the hell causes it since its not boost related. Coilpacks? Plugs?
do you have a MBC installed to cap the boost spikes?? thats what happens when you install a larger turbo and you run a stage 1 or 2 chip... That program is designed for the K03s, so when it gets much more air that the K04s supply your initially making that boost then the ECU cuts throttle because it doesn't know why all of a sudden you are making it... Unless you plan on getting a stage 3- program from VAST or AWE I would call VAST up order a MBC for 40 bucks install it in standalone to cap spikes, set it to 17 or 18 PSI and that will do the trick.