Before I worked on the car, there were some paint marks from assfucks opening their doors into my car and some other misc road damage. There was also some spider webbing which I wanted to remove.
-shit ton of microfber and towels
-fire hose nozzle
-clay bar
-Adam's Detail Spray
-porter cable
-einszett Perls shampoo
-Menzerna Super Intensive Polish
-Menzerna PO106FA
-einszett Glanz wax
-CCS yellow, orange, red pad
wash and clay
I started by washing the car using the einszett perls shampoo, I dried it off with some microfiber towels, then I proceeded to clay the entire car. DAMN there was a TON of shit in the paint!! I used 1/5th of the original bar and 4/5th of the Detail Spray (is this normal for an entire car?). I kept folding the bar over and over. Should I throw away the clay I today? This process took me like 2-3hours!!! My arm was so freaking tired.
menzerna SIP
I was unsure if I should have used the SIP or the PO106FA first, from what I have seen...looks like I should have used the PO106FA? Anyhow...I used the SIP with the orange pad and hit the car. Using the PC, I spread two rings of SIP 1" from the edge of the pad. I then smeared the product over a 2x2 section of the car. I turned the PC to 3 to evenly distribute the product. Then I switched to 5 and did up/down/ left/right movements. I was unsure when the polish was "done". So maybe that's why I still have some webbings?
I spent a few hours doing this. Looking at my watch I realized I'd be running out of daylight quickly, so I decided to skip the PO106FA. I DID hit the hood with the PO106FA and a green pad (I can't really tell the difference?). After I used the SIP on the entire car, it looked very glossy, but I could still notice some spider webbing. Perhaps I need to spend more time?
With daylight quickly running out, I decided to switch to wax mode. I was a little disappointed I had the webbings still, but decided it was better than when I had started. I put the red pad on, and did a small ring on the pad with the einszett glanz. I smeared this on the car in a 2x2 section, switched the PC to 3, and made sure the evenly distribute the wax. I waited for 1-2 minutes for the wax to dry, then removed it with a blue cloth. This process was much quicker...hopefully I did it right? I am hoping it will offer protection through winter? When I DO reapply teh wax, do I need to repeat the clay, polishing, then wax? Or can I just wash then wax?
What a long ass process!! I had a harm time holding the PC vertically when I was doing the sides of the vehicle. The vibrations from the PC on 5 was out of control! props to you pro-detailers. I was disappointed that I was unable to remove all the spider webbing, but maybe next time. I am very happy with how glossy the car looks! OMG


I know this looks bad, but I'm actually VERY happy with it. Before the detail there was red paint from the girl who backed into my car. I'm just glad my car doesn't have lipstick on it anymore ;)