I wanted to make an introduction in this forum (B5 A4). I've been on the B5 S4/RS4 page for a few years and I recently picked up a 97' 2.8 (Red) with no mods as a second car. My plan is to take all of my spare S4 parts I removed during the last few years and "enhance" the A4 with some free "hand me downs".

Donor car: First car in pic...

SO far I was planning on:

My shocks/springs from the S4
Black trunk lid since I got the 96' Euro deck lid on the S4
Black hood after CF hood goes on the S4
Black roof (depending on price)
Black Grill (Done)
3" ASP like tips are on the Exhaust now
My custom S4 exhaust later
S4 wheels when Dronnells are on the S4
S4 Brakes once I get the BBK
Custom plate to match the S4 (S VIER) so A4 (A VIER)

I wanted to know if anyone sees something I am planning that will NOT work. TIA

-Your friendly neighborhood "S VIER"