I have tried everything on my car to get it running without any CEL and to stop getting it into going in safe mode..
List of things i've changed or done:
1) Inspected at an Indy, fixed injector leak, fixed any boost leaks, changed MAF.
Still kept jumping into Safe Mode.. soo
2) Changed the flash from Tech9 Stage 1+ to Unitronic Stage 2 (also 1+)
Still didnt help, although I did spike and hold more boost.
3) Changed both O2 sensors yesterday
Car is running better, more audible, and it just went back into safe mode and VAG says its running rich
I have no idea what to do from now, I really thought that the O2 Sensors would have fixed it, but it didnt and now im clueless
Edit: 1 Fault Found:
17535 - Fuel Trim: Bank 1 (Mult): System too Rich
P1127 - 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded
Someone help me out !