Today I started the Joey mod on one of my headlights. I got he point where I had both pieces separated. I then removed all the old black sealant off my lense with a Dremel which created a lot of dust. I used my compressor to blow all the dust out but I decided to take it a step farther and use some acetone to get all the dust out. This is where the trouble starts. I was not aware ( didnt read the can) that you should not use it on plastics. I used the acetone to clean off the inside of the lense and it left a streaky white haze which I thought I would just remove with some glass cleaner. i then realized that the acetone had burned the plastic. I tried everything to get it off including some intense polishing with meg's plastx but it didnt do anything.
Any suggestions on how to get rid of the haze?
If not, I think I'm just going to buy these: