This is for only 3 spots available and to whom ever has not been to one yet.

You MUST email me direct to get a spot!

Here are the details:

Wanna learn how to detail or maintain your vehicles paint finish?

This is a "invitations by 1st come 1st served" sponsored by "Adams Polishes"

This clinic will give you an opportunity to try Adams products and we will provide you with the necessary tips and skills to maximize your detailing experience.

Max is 15 trucks/cars that can attend under Adams warehouse roof- no deposit required to attend!
Absolutely FREE!!!!!!

Everyone will have the opportunity to sample Adams products using clay bar and sample polish and wax (hand or machine) and interior dressings on your own truck. You just do the work.

YOU MUST wash your Truck/car the night before as there is no time to wash everyone's truck. There will be a discussion on the proper procedures of safely washing your truck without scratching it.

REMEMBER! only 15 trucks/cars can attend, but you are all invited even if you do not have a truck to detail for support or just to hang out.

Date: 10/26/08
Time: 9:00am to 1:00pm
Adam's Dist. Warehouse
2020 West 166th St.
Torrance, CA 90504
Point of Contact:

Steve - (310) 795-6707 If you have to cancel or need directions. You need to email me to get a spot. [email protected]

ATTENTION: Adams Pre- Detail Meet 8-8:55am

This is a breakfast meet of just coffee & whatever you want from 7-11 for those who would like to meet a little earlier, then we will drive 2 minutes to Adams Warehouse and pile in. There's enough parking there for all of us! And I'm gonna need my coffee!

16520 Crenshaw Blvd
Torrence, Ca 90504
8am- 8:55am

It's just 3/4 of a mile West of Adams Warehouse on 166th & Crenshaw.

See ya there!


Don't forget! Email me to get one of the 3 spot left on the list

[email protected]