I'm not new to audis, but this will be my first post in the s-line forum. A few weeks ago I bought an '01 santorin blue tip S4, white alcantara interior, all stock except for an apexi turbo timer & back-up sensors. I'm very happy with it but I think to be satisfied I'm gonna need to upgrade a few things. Here's the list I've put together so far. Feel free to suggest things I'm missing or changes you would make.
APR chip w/emcs
giac tip chip
710n dv's
APR bi-pipe
ECS timing belt kit
greedspeed snub mount
that's pretty much all i've got. i don't want to dump several thousands into the car, but i'm comfortable with 2-3k. i did the tb on my old A4 2.8l and i imagine the s4 is very similar. so i think i can handle installing everything on my own except the chips