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was a 6-speed, shocked because my estimate was 1500, then he told me 3200, but hed go down to 2100 as a favor. he told me the tranny was a pain and i believe it, audis are known for that haha. just sucks, but the more im hearing about it, it probably would have cost more to go anywhere else so...
i think he may be charging me for a bearing removal tool that he bought that supposidly cost 500.
Sounds like bullshit to me. Taking out a transmission isn't rocket science. Anyone with some common sense and a few tools can do it. Save yourself some money next time and do it yourself. This way you won't have to deal with these opportunistic shops that charge rediculous labor rates and inflate work times on invoices.
And as for charging you for a tool - there is no reason why you should be charged for their tools. None. It isn't your problem if they don't have the proper tools (which I doubt anyway). I'd wager this shop didn't need this tool at all. They either used it as an opportunity to buy some new, expensive tool they wanted for their shop or just saw an opportunity to pocket some extra money.
...And trying to charge a customer ANYTHING for a shop tool is just wrong, even if they did have your consent first. Remember, the reason people use these shops is because the shop is supposed to have all the necessary tools and experience.
No matter how you cut it, this shop took advantage of you. I wouldn't take it too personally though. They probably do it to everyone other person around your age who brings a nice car to them for some work.
Replacing a transmission on these cars is not as difficult at everyone claims. Like I said, some common sense and tools go a long way. A little experience helps too. Regardless though, you were taken advantage of and there is probably little you can do about it since these shops know that if you had enough experience and knew the costs of doing the job yourself you wouldn't be coming to them in the first place.