I am torn between keeping up with this modifing hobby or end it and turn to something else. I am in college and do not get any outside support (i.e parents). Having a car hobby is very expensive and tough to enjoy when you do not have a lot of time to work on it or even drive it. But I've been into cars since I was 12 and have been working on my cars ever since. Currently I have a feeler for my turbo setup and very close to making my final decision. I've worked so hard to get each part through the past year. Once I get my bachelors I will continue onto graduate school all the way to a PHD (fingers crossed).
This past year though I also got into photography and enjoyed it so much that I am minoring in it. I really enjoy it but I cannot have 2 expensive hobbies. So here is my dilema. Sell my car parts and roll around with the AZ crew mostly stock or keep up with the hobby and be broke ass broke. If I chose to sell my parts, most of the money would go into my savings account and some of it would go towards a new lens.
Srry for the long rant but any help is appreciated.