I'm not trying to knock Kristof (he did seem to go through quite a headache with his local post office over what really is just a switch), but I wanted to see if anyone else here at audizine.com has gotten "Screwed" / never recieved a produc that you paid him for? I'm not trying to start anything but maybe if I bring this up as a topic for all to see, I may actually get my money back or atleast what I paid for... or at the very least a response.
Story is I sent him ~ $45US to order a FUNK switch for my B5 A4 minus the actual "FUNK" lettering on the button. It is available, but only in Europe.
First attempt, he got the switch dropped it off at the post office. Waited a month or so, nothing. I emailed him, he went to the post office, and turns out the switch literally was never shipped from the manager's desk.
Second attempt, he apologized and they sent it out that day. I never recieved anything a month or so later. I pmed him and had to threaten disputes before I got a response. He was pretty heated but understood where I stood.
Third attempt, he went back to the post office, told them. They reimbursed him and we did this all over again. Still nothing.
Keep in mind I send the cashier's check to him in January or February of 2008. Its been so long I can't remember which month anymore. I pmed him the other day discussing my frustration and got no response. I think its pretty rediculous and find something slightly fishy going on... buyers beware! Also this is all through typed conversations, never over the telephone, so its hard to tell if the truth is being told. I just want help resolving this, so if moderators would like to jump in and help out, I'd much appreciate it.
A very honest man myself,
K04B5 = Kevin