After my stock car battery taking a crap on me Monday morning (car battery being 4 years old), and replacing it with a new battery of the correct type later that night, my car has a hard time turning over since. The first time i started her up right after the battery was replaced, it was slow and weak to turn over, but started up after 2 chugs. I drove it around and turned the car off and started it up again, it being faster and more of a normal start up.
This morning, though, when i started it up it was slow and weak, again, and after being driven and then restarted it was faster to turn over.
What's going on? Shouldn't a car start up quickly upon getting a new battery?? Is my starter broken?
Also, another problem that has stemmed from this is that the buttons on my key don't work anymore (the wireless lock, unlock, panic, and trunk open). Any advice?