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  1. #1
    Senior Member Two Rings stubbs's Avatar
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    front control arms

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    My front control arms are getting pretty worn with 115,000 miles on them, but is is dangerous to not replace them? The clunking over bumps does drive me nuts, but being a poor college student, I need to make them last as long as I can. Is it a bad idea to wait another year or so before replacing them?

    I also notice that when I first go in reverse and hit the brakes, there's a noticeable clunk, like something is shifting back because I'm applying the brakes in reverse instead of forwards. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Registered Member One Ring
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    Re: front control arms

    I don't know that it's "dangerous," but your tires will eventually start to wear unevenly, which will cause problems of its own.

  3. #3
    Registered Member Two Rings Oranoco's Avatar
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    Re: front control arms

    Personally I wouldn't leave it. You have wear in the bushes and or balljoints this is allowing components to move that shouldn't. At best this will accelerate wear elsewhere.

    Change them sooner rather than later and save yourself a ballache. I would suggest changing the full set as they will all have a degree of wear. Mine hit 110k and were shot.

    With the new arms on the car was transformed and now turns in and doesn't pull and wander across uneven road surfaces.
    1996 Audi A4 1.8T @181bhp, 199lb/ft.... so far!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Two Rings ahaters46's Avatar
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    Re: front control arms

    i got all control arms for the front end for 200 bucks or something. found em on ebay i think. it might be smart to replace sooner than later but if you look you can get decent deal. get fronted an oz or two and flip em youll have money. hahaha
    silver b5 on h&r coils

  5. #5
    Senior Member Two Rings stubbs's Avatar
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    Re: front control arms

    sounds good, I'll replace them as soon as I can. Thanks!

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