So my whole dead that happened a while ago where my mechanic jacked my money, never ordered my parts, said he had, made me drive down to get it installed and didnt have the parts is resolved, I finally got my money back from him. I then went and ordered a full exhaust from APR, who then 2 weeks later (they quoted 1 week) said they were having issues with my tiptronic downpipes and they might not work, that they were sending me some old pipes to try out and for me to send it back if it didnt, I didnt want to deal with that BS so I cancelled that order and they refunded my money. I went ahead and ordered a full F.I exhaust which of course came very quick and was super good quality and I love it. I wake up this morning and check my account only to realize its almost 700 dollars in the negative, and then see a charge for $2002.65 from APR, WTF? So now of course I am getting all sorts of overdraw fines, I called up APR, and the go "I never heard of you cancelling your exhaust" to which i responded why did they put my money back the first time then and bill me a month later? Just pissing me off, my money is out of my account and I cant spend it on anything right now, grrrrrrr.