Looking for the part # of the 2 (approx 3" long) screws/bolts that you have to remove from the top of the OEM box to open the clamshell and get at the air filter. Thanks in advance.

'06 B7MT6
Sprint Blue / Silver - RNS-E / Bose - Premium Pkg
Corsa Catback / ECS Snub / RS4 Pedals / Hoen Xenonmatch / K&N
'06 B7MT6
Sprint Blue / Silver - RNS-E / Bose - Premium Pkg
Corsa Catback / ECS Snub / RS4 Pedals / Hoen Xenonmatch / K&N
2005 Brilliant Black B6 S4 Avant - K&N Drop-In, Thermal R&D cat-back, VAGed, Höen Xenonmatch Fogs
2009 United Grey MKV GTI - 18 in. Hufs, APR Stage 1
ChronicTeutonic's Past Teutonics:
BMW 2002 (x2), VW Microbus, BMW 320i, VW Corrado G60, VW Jetta IV
The Avant Garde
'06 B7MT6
Sprint Blue / Silver - RNS-E / Bose - Premium Pkg
Corsa Catback / ECS Snub / RS4 Pedals / Hoen Xenonmatch / K&N
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