I drove the car around today and everything was fine. I go to start it a few hours later and problems arise. It has a hard time starting, then maintains a decent idle 9at about 800 rpm), but starts to dip and gets into a rough idle about 3 mins later. When i give it gas it lets me maintain a constant smooth rpm of up to 2k. Anything more than that, the car dies. Now im 99% sure that its the MAF because i had the same exact problem with a different car and it wound up being a MAF. As soon as the problems started but i didn't know the max rpm i told myself that if its 2 k its the MAF, tested it and it was 2k on the dot. I don't think its the fuel pump of filter just because it doesnt add up. Another possibility i considered was a seizing up alternator. The fact that my alternator might be dying is very possible but i dont know if the symptoms i get point to the alt. If anyone else has any other suggestions please let me know. I do have a CEL for bank 2 cat. The fact that the oxygen sensor went bad as a result had crossed my mind but it just seems less realistic than the MAF, especially given the signs i have.
Thanks in advance