I'll get some pics up tonight when I get to my digital camera, but for now, hopefully the explanation will do.
So where I work, we have some body shops that work with us...and they offer to clean our cars when they're slow. The manager asked if they could detail the Audi, and I was very hesitant, but figured it could use a wax job before winter, and it would save me some time.
They returned the car, and it looked like someone sat on a buffer and rode all over the car. It was clean but had crazy swirl marks all over it. Straight swirl marks. They came back and I told them it didn't look good, they agreed, and picked it up today to fix it. I was hesitant to have them fix it, but figured I had the manager talk to them to make sure they knew what they were doing, and agree they could fix it.
I get it back today, and she is clean and smooth as class. Feels weird touching it with my nail almost its so smooth. But, the reflection is a bit different. It reflects "squiqly"...like orange peel almost. Like a straight line of a building reflection, looks like S's. Its not straight. Is this good, or bad, or what. I'm a noob when it comes to detailing, so any help is much appreciated.