Hey all,
I just moved to Criswell Audi after a 6 year stint at Tischer. I've already seen a few Audizine stickers on some of our service customers cars and I decided to pop in and check it out.
I am a Master Audi tech certified on all models. As many of my customers know I don't look down on modded cars in the dealer. I am very understanding when it comes to customer service and I'll do what's right for my clients. If anyone needs anything from bulbs and wipers to timing belts and trans rebuilds I can do it. I never refuse work, warranty, customer pay, extended warranty, I do it all. The elitest mentality that only customer pay work is worth doing means nothing to me. Audi's have amazing coverage and I believe that 5,000 mile services are just as important as 105,000 mile services. Just stop by and request me (Andy) to see for yourself. Hell, drop me a line and let me know your coming and I'll be sure the coffee's fresh.
On a side note its no secret that the automotive industry in general is in trouble. Lots of buisnesses are in trouble. I have been known from time to time to supplement my income from home and if that fits your needs check out www.spankysspeedshop.com. Consider it my alter ego.