Hey Man,
Well first thing I want to say is. Take a few steps back. maybe a day off and collect your thoughts. I know it feels daunting. but really it is just a lot fo small jobs. so break it down and take each job 1 at a time.
Next change your mind set. Instead of saying. WHAT HAVE I GOT MYSELF INTO!!!
Instead say. Yes I can! lol one of the best things I learned from college, never say to yourself that you cant do it.
Ok enough with the pep talk - Cheer leader bull crap.
The biggest thing that usually makes a job unbearable is not having the right tool for what you are trying to accomplish. Then you strip something and turn a 5 minute job on 1 bolt into hours of frustration.
What are you having problems with? How far did you get? Let us know what your problem is and we can try and give you some pointers.
There are nice write ups out there that you can reference.
This one has the most pictures:
Both writeups are by the same person. You could try contacting him for some advice. He did it himself in his garage. Also user The_Jerbel did it outside his house on the street. I think a few guys pulled the motor outside on the street.
I have not taken the task on myself yet. I hope I dont have to, but I keep telling myself if turob's go that I will do it and it will get done.