So I ordered a pair of the Ziza LED city lights and it's a good thing I kept the box. Right after I opened the box I fiddled with one a bit and the LED bulb came right out. It doesn't fit as snug as it should in the connector but anyway.
Had them installed today and the first one would not turn on because there was glue covering one of the contacts Installed the second one and it turned on for like 2 seconds, flickered, then turned off. Everytime I turn the city lights back on, that one LED bulb stays on for about 2 seconds, flickers, and turns off.
What's wrong? Is the line equalizer bad? I removed them both and put my regular city lights back in and now neither of those work! I get a bulb out warning and everytime we clear the fault it just shows up again. I have no idea what happened but now my city lights are not working! Any ideas what it can be??