the directions are in fact flawless... print it out in color off their website instead of the B&W - it's really pretty simple...
but here's a DIY for you....
1. Open hood
2. remove trim piece to take off battery/ecu cover plastic thingy
3. remove ECU cover
4. remove far left vent
5. remove center vent
6. remove far right vent (just makes it easier, not necessary.
7. pull ENTIRE vent housing straight out towards you, gently but firmly. (yes the ENTIRE thing comes out)
8. Remove the lower kick panel below steering wheel
9. throw away the wire that they sent you, it's too short to do it PROPERLY
10. drill 13mm or 1/2 inch hole in the fart left (driver side) air duct
11. feed vaccum line and your NEW wire through there, it will poke out just about where your right knee would be around... easy enough to find.
12. run wire and vacuum hose over to other side. near the fuse panel
13. run power and ground wire as described in the instructions
14. run vaccum hose up through ECU cover
15. cut off the two nipples on the grommets as described in instructions
16. run vacuum line as instructed
17. (optional - I'm fat so I had to do this...) - remove intake y pipe thingy for easier access to the vacuum line
18. cut vacuum line that connects to the FPR right in the middle - if it's the original line it's covered in a webbed cloth that will basically fall apart.
19. Put Provided T in the cut line, with bottom part of the "T" facing towards the fire wall
20. connect vaccum line for gauge to the bottom part of the "T"
21. you're done under the hood... don't close it all up yet until you verify.
22. Back inside, pull the slack out of the wire and the vacuum hose so you have all the extra coming out of the vent hole, put the provided grommet over the wire and vaccum hose and use it to seal off the hole you drilled... this can be a MAJOR pain in the ass to do.. (Note the instructions tell you to pull all the slack OUT of the vent, i chose to do it the other way around because it was easier for me to cut the wire and hose appropriately from the vent rather than under the dash and under the hood...)
23. Cut the vacuum line and wire so you have approximately 5-8" of EXTRA, note if you are putting in the MIDDLE vent you need about 8" maybe 10, so don't cut until you are ready to put it all back together - I chose to put in the LEFT most vent because it was easier to view - the middle vent put it just outside of my peripheral vision... in fact I started with it in the middle and ended up moving it
24. Cut hole in the vent shut off as instructed, and location for zip tie as well... This is the most hacked up part of the entire install... Honestly if you NEVER shut off those middle vents I would say don't cut the hole... just my take on it. In retrospect I wish I hadn't.
25. Feed vacuum lne and wire and all that stuf back through the vent housing either middle or left, your choice, figure out how much extra wire/vacuum you need and cut the rest off.
26. I chose to SOLDER and shrink wrap, the install instructions tell you to use some clips, I started by doing this but they vibrate and cause a rattle, and frankly the clips suck., the downside is that if you solder you have to unsolder to remove... A better option would be to solder LONG wire to the gauge before you start and put clips down under the dash which would make it a bit easier to remove in the futre....
27 - Once you have attached the vacuum line, set everything in the dash loosly and start the car, be sure the gauge lights up, and you read vacuum/boost...
28. close it all back up and go check your boost... bone stock my AWE gauge showed a peak of about 10-10.5 when it was cool tapering down to about 8.5 - when it was hot the peak was below 10.
Now seriously, if you can't use these isntructions and the included instructions (which are EXCELLENT by the way) then you probably shouldn't be doing it...
Peace - Z