Alright with winter coming up I am getting my car ready I have a couple of questions however. For Spark plugs I was wondering if I should use the 7 or 6 range. I'm stock but I have heard a lot of discussion about using 6's in the winter.
Also for tires, I am planning on getting a set of Dunlop Grasspic 2's. I had these on my 4KQ and loved them but I was curious if anyone had any other suggestions. I had blizzak's before and they were nice but the dunlop's were just as good I felt if not better and are cheaper.
Any other suggestions?
I have cleaned my air filter, checked my brakes, changed oil, flsuhed my coolant, changed my dif fluid. Should I do the tranny as well?
Also does anyone know if you can buy a valve cover anywhere? I want to dress up my bay a little and would prefer to have a spare to paint and then switch them while I change the gasket.