H7 bulb. The vvme kit is ok. It is just that they only have a 1 year warranty and there are people whom have issues with thier kits (usually they will ship 2 different bulb temps and shipping for replacement is extra dough), but there are many people whom have had thier kit for years with no issues. I myself have 5000k, but vvme does not offer that temperature. And I think it to be perfect. If you want a white output, get the 4300k. The higher the temp, the more blueish it gets to the ultimate purple output. There are pics of the bulb temps on thier ads for comparison.
I set up a
GB in the group buy request section for the ones I got, and another chimmed in with a link to a site with another good deal with waayyyy smaller ballasts. Then I received PM from a person whom had a link to a site that sold them for like $75 shipped w/lifetime warranty on bulbs and ballast. But I deleted that message a long time ago. But basically, they can always be sought for cheaper.