So if you can follow me here......I either fvcking hate vag-com, my revo software, or ME7. So this is the shit I've been dealing with.... I go log at T7 and pull some cf's in a 2nd-5th gear pull. So I lower to T6 and relog. I pull even higher cf's and lower btdc's. EGT and lambda #'s are the same for both pulls. So then I think to myself, damn this has happened before.... so I turn the timing down to T0. Give it a single pull, then shut off and raise to T9. I log at T9 and pull zero cf's and my btdc's are up to 13's from the 7-9's which they were with lower timing advance. This is NOT the first time this has happened to me. I can count about 5 times now where I've zero'd out timing and re-timed to max T9 on sps, and every time I pull harder with lower cf #'s and higher btdc #'s then with the previous lower T6 setting I was running just minutes prior (same ambient conditions). Over time it gets to the point where I have to lower timing again and do this whole process over. WTF is the deal? It's like I have to have the ecu re-think the programming timing every now and then. My plugs look like I'm running way too rich on T6/T7 but yet it will pull timing over time until I zero out and redo the timing with sps3. I swear I'm the only one to have ever delt with this shit. So damn annoying...