Reading "Clint!" this morning I started searching around for pics of the Borg Warner turbo's and couldnt find any that compared them to others. So figured it might help to have a thread here with pics of various turbo's side by side with any stats about them you would like to list
I dont know shit about the BW turbo's so looking for some info/pics on these: Bullseye S256 & Bullseye S362
Here's what I got:
T3 3071R on left, T3 3076R on right
GT3071R Specs
-Wheel: 60mm w/ 84 trim
-Housing: .63 ar
-Wheel: 71mm w/ 56 trim
-Housing: .50 ar
GT3076R Specs
-Wheel: 60mm w/ 84 trim
-Housing: .63 ar
-Wheel: 76.2mm w/ 56 trim
-Housing: .60 ar
GTRS & T3 3071R
GTRS & K04-015
Ill post this again for the hell of it
GT3071R & Precision PT74