Just rebuilt the trans on this ($2000) and now when I give it gas let go of the gas then give it gas again I hear a clunking noise and the car jerks forward and backward. I only hear the noise when I follow this sequence. I took it back to the transmission shop and they told me it is either from the AWD or Differential unit and not the transmission thats causing it. So I asked if they could repair it and they said it would be 4-5k job.
The transmission and engine mounts looked fine. I took it to a bunch of suspension shops and the suspension was good and the all said it was transmission related.
I talked to a few other transmission places and they told me they should have discovered the issue when they were working on the transmission. The other transmission shops I took it to put it on a left and could not determine what it was externally they all wanted to take it apart and diagnose it and the minimum charge for that is $650.
My question is what do you guys think it sounds like ? Is this normal on this vehicle? Any other ways I can diagnose further? I have a older VAG-Com cable/software but I have no idea how to use the Advanced settings.
What recommendations do you guys have?