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  1. #1
    Senior Member Two Rings BRSox307's Avatar
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    auto body shop expectations?

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    some people tell me im too picky. I just got my car back after they f-ed up the first time and had to redo it. im still not happy. i can tell that the color is different, its a good blending job, but i can still tell. there are also hazy spots i cant get off that i thought was left over polish...i think its under the paint. should i expect more? i payed a lot for this too. I probably could have gone to a cheaper place and got the same results

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings MacDaddy's Avatar
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    Re: auto body shop expectations?

    probably not too picky, most people just have really low standards.

    what color is the car? some colors are harder to match than others, but if someone who doesn't do body work for a living can notice a color difference, its usually pretty bad.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Two Rings BRSox307's Avatar
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    Re: auto body shop expectations?

    Quote Originally Posted by MacDaddy View Post
    probably not too picky, most people just have really low standards.

    what color is the car? some colors are harder to match than others, but if someone who doesn't do body work for a living can notice a color difference, its usually pretty bad.
    its silver. i think i am probably the only person that would notice the color difference because its my car and i know exactly what was done. the thing that bothers me the most is this hazy dull spot. i brought it back to them and they said it was from the wet sanding and tried buffing it out. it looked ok in the shop when they just finished it, but i noticed it again later that day in the sunlight. I didn't go cheap either, I payed almost double what another shop would have charged because i wanted to have the job done to high expectations.


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