Hey Guys and Gals,

The Targa Trophy road rallye is 2 weeks away and we have a ton of very cools cars already signed up. Everything from Porsche, Ferrari, M-Cars, Audi's, Lotus, Lambo's, Bentley's, Rolls Royce to some very cool new and vintage American muscle cars as well as some hot Japanese cars such as a few Skylines first, second and current generation as well as cars like NSX ,Supra turbo's etc. The event is open to all cars modern and vintage!!

The event route was pre-run by the event organizers today and I am told is absolutely AMAZING!!! The return route is expected to be about 180+ miles of roads like the Nurburgring.......Very challenging and breath taking to say the least.

With more than half of the spots already filled (maximum 100 cars) we have a diverse and fun crowd. While this wont be an all out race I am sure that many of the participants will have no problems traveling at a spirited pace! We have participants entered from all over the country and every walk of life including, film, TV, professional athletes, action sports stars.. But most importantly everyone loves cars and driving just like us!!!!!!

We also have a ton of media involved in this event so coverage will be exceptional. With commitments from many of the major automotive magazines as well videography for select forums. Additionally we will also have TV and News media at the start and at the finish of the event (event party) that night at the Skybar.. (As an FYI -All drinks, meals are included in your entry fee)

I spoke with the event organizers and if any of you are considering doing the event a discount will be offered to participants who register three or more cars at the same time, groups of 5 or more will get a greater discount. Consider this a "group discount" rate...... Just mention this post when applying or email me your list directly to speed up the process.
email me at [email protected] or [email protected]

For more information on the event please visit www.targatrophy.com or www.gmgracing.com

Looking forward to seeing you all on this years TargaTrophy Rallye.