I think the best course of action is to get the car up on four jackstands, remove the damaged wheel, control arms, upright, and then get what is left of the CV off the trans flange. Before you pull the wheel off break the axle bolt loose while the wheel is on the ground to serve as a stop, otherwise you have to use an impact gun (trust me I've done this, those are very very tight stretch bolts).
Once you have the axle out of the way and the car is in the air, start the car and verify that the trans is indeed functional and not making any horrific noises. Make sure it goes into gear and shifts. Check the trans mounts (the metal) for stress cracks. On second thought, it's probably a better idea to leave the suspension untouched and just get the axle off to test the trans, b/c if you need to tow the car after the trans test you need a wheel on there.
Once you've verified the trans is alright, then proceed with replacing the control arms, tie rod (you may need to check the PS rack as well), etc to get it all road ready. Check the wheel for run out on a balancer, check the tire for bubbles or blisters. Junkyard parts are definitely cheaper but control arms arent even much money, so buying new once isnt a huge problem. The upright may be a different story b/c that's not a wear item and will be pricy from VAG.
I guess the moral of this story is make sure the car is repairable for a reasonable cost before you start buying parts. The last thing you want is to get it together and find out the trans is shot. If it is broken, well, then you may have different course of action alltogether. Hopefully it is fine, from your description it sounds like you pulled apart the inner CV, which would be a great thing compared to the alternative.
Good luck and get wrenchin!
You need a special long triple square (10mm i think) to get the inner CV off the flange. Other helpful tools would be a ball joint separator (or pickle fork b/c it's not as though you'll reuse any of the parts), and of course, the 3 or 5 pound sledge for persuasion and the normal hand tools. Dont forget a case of beer.