i was driving on the freeway for about 20 min. i was getting of on an exit and pulled a u-turn kinda quickly, soon as i started going straight again my check engine light started flashing!! and then all of a sudden my engine started to shake obnoxiously! I still get the same amount of boost but i accelerate NO WHERE NEAR to regular. i killed the engine and unplugged the + and - on my battery. sat there for a minute and connected the battery back up... started the car, no check engine light but the engine still shakes. soon as i started driving again check engine went back on...
I dont have vag com and i need this fixed asap, cuz i have college...
PLZ HLP GUYS... i have no clue what the problem is...
could it be the coil packs?
i have a feeling one of my cyllinders went out.
info plz plz