So i'm driving home from a local meet in long island and I decide to stop off at a friends place, have a couple stoggies..... just shoot the breeze. I get back to the car drive it all of 4 blocks and as I'm stopping for a stop sign and the car just dies.... mind you its 1:30 and my phones half dead. My fuel pump is a brand new defective walbro..... its been installed for all of 6 days and its stranded me 5 times.......why am i driving the car...... well, 1, i'm not to bright, 2 i'm not to smart and 3.... well i'm stupid. So its always been a somewhat easy fix, pull the fuel pump and hit it and it'll usually turn over but no.... not this time 30 mins of f***ing with it lead to nowhere. I call my friend back, he comes and the party begins..... 1.2 miles of speed bumps, hills, and hell. So were pushing and 3 cops drive by I get it 3/4's of the way and the cars stopped. were catching our breath, and a cop stares me down, rolls down his window and says why is your car in the middle of the street, I say the fuel pump died, and yeah its the same car you saw about an hour ago.... he looks at me and says...."good luck with that" and speeds off. we keep pushing, now... the block infront of my house has 2 big speed bumps, and my driveway to the 1 car garage is all uphill..... Needless to say, my knees are shot, my back is screwed and I'm taking a greyhound to PA to kill the SOB who refuses to refund my money for his "brand new" walbro because quote " I've sold over nine thousand fuel pumps and none have been defective, unless you have some proof I refuse to do any exhange or refund"
rant over....
PS, does anyone want to buy a 6 day old walbro, I'll sell it to ya cheap.