I have a 1999 A4 1.8 T with 110K.
It started to miss on #2 cylinder and the dealer diagnosed it as a leaking valve cover gasket that was fowling the #2 spark plug. (This was not a correct diagnosis)
The quote was $1300 to replace the valve cover gasket, #2 coil, spark plugs and change the oil.
I changed the valve cover gasket, coil, and plugs in about 1 hour and it ran GREAT!!
The car ran withoutmissing a beat for about a week then #2 cylinder cut out, (misfired) again.
I swapped out the coil with #3 cylinder, but still #2 cylinder is not firing.
Compression is 105 PSI, fuel injectors all working, there is NO spark from #2 coil or the #3 coil, when it was swapped to #2 cylinder.
What could the fault be?